Our Mission is designed to encourage and support the
spread of the Gospel among the Iranian community.

Fostering unity and empowerment within
the global Iranian Christian Community
Our Mission is to spread the gospel in the following ways:
Providing Biblical Resources
We seek to empower Persian believers and new converts from Muslim backgrounds to embrace the historic identity and roots of Christianity in Iran. By doing so, the Gospel message will resonate more deeply with the people of Iran.
Planting Congregations
Our support will include the provision of resources, training, and mentorship to local leaders, enabling them to effectively minister to their communities.
Preparing Future Pastors
By training the next generation of leaders, preparing them for ministry in Iran when the opportunity arises. These leaders will be equipped to navigate the demanding challenges of serving in a culture and nation that persecutes Christians.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19
Our Mission is in the first phase of establishing the biblical and theological resource centre for Iranian believers and converts in Southern California, a region that is home to 500,000 Iranian immigrants.
Once the centre is established, the Mission will initiate phases two and three to plant and strengthen congregations and to train church leaders. Currently, the Mission is seeking start-up support and funding for its base of operations and research in Southern California.
An expanded Case for the Mission, describing the historical roots of Christianity in Iran, the need for Gospel outreach to Iranians and the plan to meet those needs is available here.

Our goal is to provide a structured, professional platform for supporting impactful initiatives that spread hope and unity in Christ worldwide.